Friday, September 03, 2004

Barefoot's Secret Farm Uses

Below is information for your farming friends.
Hope you find it useful.
From: Ivan & Martha Willmore
ANIMALS BEEF CATTLE OR STEERS 500 lbs oats or small grain 1500 lbs corn 1 gallon All Purpose H 8 ounce Liqui-Lea 30 lbs bulky sweet [if presently feeding] or 50 lbs molasses 20 lbs Nutra-min 15 lbs salt 6 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 18 lbs Nuta-Lac Also, if silage is fed, by using Basic H, the carbohydrates will be increased. Feed about 6 lbs of ground feed per head per day 12.2% ration protein 11.4% digestible protein SMALL CALVES [UP TO 200 LBS] 1300 lbs cracked corn 550 lbs oats or small grain 50 lbs molasses moist 8 ounce Liqui-Lea 15 lbs salt 2 qts. All Purpose H 15 lbs Lacto-Lev’n & 30 lbs Nutra-Lac Feed free choice With whole milk or milk replacer Also, have hay or grass available 16.9% digestible protein 18.2% ration protein

RATION FOR DAIRY CATTLE COMPLETE MIX 500 lbs oats or small grain 1300 lbs corn 2 gallons H 8 ounce Liqui-Lea 30 lbs bulky sweet [if presently feeding] or 50 lbs molasses 15 lbs salt 20 lbs Nutra-Min 10 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 30 lbs Nutra-Lac 14% ration protein 10.9% digestible protein TOP DRESSING 25 lbs oats or small grain 75 lbs corn 15 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 35 lbs Nutra-Lac 40 lbs bulky sweet or 20 lbs molasses 19.4% ration protein 15.1% digestible protein For cows giving 100 lbs milk feed 25 lbs per day. Top dress with ½ ounce H per day. To get the correct amount of feed, divide milk production lbs by 4. For top dressing, divide this amount by 7. Notes: If you are feeding Anderson Feed Products [Nutra-Lac and Lacto-Lev’n] you should cut your molasses or bulky sweet by one half. For the address of Anderson Feed Products see C.U.P. magazine.

VEAL CALVES - MILK FED Feed milk - whole milk or milk replacer according to size. With each gallon of milk add: 1 ounce Nutra-Lac ½ tsp Liqui-Lea plus 3 drops H per gallon of milk You will find much faster growth and weight gain. This ration will stop scours in 24 hrs. Use this ration for beef or dairy calves. STARTER RATION - Replacement Calves One ton mix: 1300 lbs cracked corn 550 lbs oats or small grain 50 lbs molasses moist 15 lbs Lacto_lev’n and 30 lbs Nutra-Lac Feed with hay or other legumes. Mix well and feed starters all they want. This will replace all starters. You will find rapid growth - fast weight gains with slick and shiny coats - much healthier calves. 19.1% ration protein 17.7% digestible protein

SCOURS-SMALL CALVES 1 Herbal Laxative tablet ½ ounce Liqui-Lea 3 drops H 1 ounce Nutra-Lac Feed twice the first day, then once a day for three more days. Then feed normal CUP rations.

SHIPPING FEVER FORMULA Up to 300 lbs == 4 Herbal Laxative, ¼ ounce H, ½ ounce Liqui-Lea, 1 ounce Nutra-Lac 300-600 lbs == 4 Herbal Laxative, ¼ ounce H, 1 ounce Liqui-Lea, 1 ounce Nutra Lac 600 -900 lbs == 6 Herbal Laxative, ½ ounce H, 1 ounce Liqui-Lea, 2 ounce Nutra Lac 900 - 1300 lbs == 8 Herbal Laxative, ½ ounce H, 1 ½ Liqui-Lea, 2 ounce Nutra Lac 1300 - 1800 lbs == 10 Herbal Laxative, ½ ounce H, 2 ounce Liqui-Lea, 2 ounce Nutra Lac Feed twice first day, once each day after that for three days. Then go on formula for feeding.

DOGS For Worms: Apply 2 drops H for every ten pounds of the dog’s weight on their feed for one week. Repeat this application every 3 months. You may put it in a spray bottle with a little water and spray it over the dog’s food.
GOATS 1000 lbs oats or barley 1000 lbs corn, shelled or cob 8 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 12 lbs Nutra-Lac 2 quarts H 12 ounce Liqui-Lea 12.9% ration protein 12.0% digestible protein Grain amounts are calculated according to animal’s approximate weight. Feed about 3.7% of average weight.
HORSES 1400 lbs small grain 500 lbs corn 4 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 15 lbs Nutra-Lac 2 quarts H 35 lbs Nutra-Min 10-12 lbs salt Feed with pasture or hay. 12.7% ration protein 11.1% digestible protein Feed 1 to 1.5% of animal’s weight of above grain mix.
HOGS - finishing hogs 1 ton ration - 75 to 250 lbs 200 lbs oats 100 lbs alfalfa 1750 lbs corn 18 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 35 lbs Nutra-Lac 12 ounce Liqui-Lea 1.5 quarts H 25 lbs Nutra-Min 5 lbs salt Feed free choice 14.8% ration protein 13.7% digestible protein Gestating Sows 500 lbs shelled corn 500 lbs cob corn 500 lbs alfalfa 2 quarts H 8 ounce Liqui-Lea 50 lbs Nutra-Min 5 lbs salt 10 lbs Lacto-lev’n and 22.5 lbs Nutra-Lac Feed 8-10 lbs per sow per day 13.6% ration protein 12.6% digestible protein Lactating Sows 500 lbs shelled corn 500 lbs cob corn 100 lbs alfalfa 200 lbs oats 100 lbs wheat bran 2 quarts H 10 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 22.5 lbs Nutra-Lac 8 ounce Liqui-Lea 50 lbs Nutra-Min 5 lbs salt Feed 10-12 lbs per day per sow. Weaned to 75 lbs [hog] 1 ton mix: 1000 lbs shelled corn 500 lbs barley OR 300 lbs oats 6 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 15 lbs Nutra-Lac 15 lbs Nutra-Min 1 quart H 8 ounce Liqui-Lea 5 lbs salt Feed free choice. 16.6% ration protein 15.4% digestible protein Pig scours [piglets] 1 Herbal Laxative tablet ½ ounce Liqui-Lea 3 drops H 1 ounce Nutra-Lac This formula is for every 15 lbs of the pig’s weight. Example: Pig weighs 30 lbs - give twice this amount. Feed twice the first day, then once a day for 3 more days. Then feed normal rations.
POULTRY Small Chicks 1 - 8 wks 1 ton ration 500 lbs oats or small grain 1500 lbs corn 2 quarts Basic H 22 ounce Liqui-Lea 15 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 30 lbs Nutra-Lac 15 lbs Nutra-Min 3-5 lbs salt Feed free choice 13.6% ration protein 12.6% digestible protein Chicks - 8 wks to laying 700 lbs oats or small grain 1300 lbs corn 2 quarts H 12 ounce Liqui-Lea 10 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 30 lbs Nutra-Lac 40 lbs Nutra-Min 3-5 lbs salt Feed free choice 13.3% ration protein 12.3% digest.protein Laying Hens 700 lbs oats or small grain 1300 lbs corn 2 quarts H 8 ounce Liqui-Lea 10 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 30 lbs Nutra-Lac 40 lbs Nutra-Min [for heavier layers - 50 lbs] 3-5 lbs salt Feed free choice 13.3% ration protein 12.3% digestible protein
RABBITS Growers 200 lbs medium ground mix 150 lbs oats or small grain 50 lbs ground shelled corn 4 ounce Liqui-Lea 2 ounce H 1 lb Lacto-Lev’n and 6 lbs Nutra-Lac Feed free choice 12.7% ration protein 11.8% digestible protein Lactating Does 125 lbs oats or small grain 75 lbs cracked corn 2 ounce H 4 ounce Liqui-Lea 2 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 4 lbs Nutra-Lac Feed free choice 11.7% ration protein 10.8% digestible protein Bucks 125 lbs oats or small grain 75 lbs cracked corn 2 ounce H 2 pounds Lacto-Lev’n and 6 lbs Nutra-Lac Feed free choice 11.3% ration protein 10.5% digestible protein NOTE: For rabbits: Have salt blocks and water available at all times. Feed with grass or hay.
SHEEP Lactating & gestating ewes 2000 lbs grain 1 quart H 10 lbs salt 4 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 15 lbs Nutra-Lac 20 lbs Nutra-Min Feed with grass or hay. Feed 5-6lbs per ewe/day 14.1% ration protein 13.1% digestible protein Baby Lambs For healthier lambs: ½ ounce Nutra-Lac ¼ tsp Liqui-Lea with milk replacer DO NOT USE H Lambs 6 - 8 weeks Starter after creeper feed or 70-80 lbs 325 lbs corn, rolled or course grain 100 lbs oats 100 lbs soybean meal 5 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 10 lbs Nutra-Lac 10 lbs Nutra-Min 5 lbs salt 8 ounce Liqui-Lea Feed free choice. 17.2% ration protein 15.9% digestible protein Sheep - over 80 lbs 400 lbs corn 150 lbs oats or small grain 100 lbs soybean meal 5 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 10 lbs Nutra-Lac 8 ounce Liqui-Lea 5 lbs salt ½ pint H Feed with grass or hay. 16.3% ration protein 15.1% digestible protein Feed 3-5 lbs per day. Sheep Scours 1 Herb Lax ½ ounce Liqui-Lea 2 drops H [use an eye dropper] 1 ounce Nutra-Lac Feed twice the first day, then once a day for three more days. Then go on normal C.U.P. rations.
TURKEYS up to 8 weeks 600 lbs corn 800 lbs oats or small grain 60 lbs Nutra-Min 38 ounce Liqui-Lea 16 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 30 lbs Nutra-Lac 600 lbs soybean 44% 2 quarts H Feed free choice 22.3% ration protein 20.7% digestible protein Growers 8-16 weeks 700 lbs corn 900 lbs oats or small grain 60 lbs Nutra-Min 10 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 30 lbs Nutra-Lac 400 lbs Soybean 44% 2 quarts H Feed free choice. 20.7% ration protein 19.2% digestible protein Breeders 800 lbs corn 900 lbs oats or small grain 60 lbs Nutra-Min 38 ounce Liqui-Lea 10 lbs Lacto-Lev’n and 30 lbs Nutra-Lac 200 lbs soybeans 44% 2 quarts H 3-5 lbs salt Feed free choice 18.5% ration protein 17.2% digestible protein Manure Pits 2 quarts H for 1200 gallons of manure 80 lbs Essential 4-U for odor control per every 1200 gallons of manure. Sows - Pigs Mange & Mites 1 quartH 4 quarts water 1 tbsp Germicide Put on as a mist spray.
EQUINE NUTRITIONAL PROGRAM This program is based on recommendations by George Shaw of Elkhorne, Wisconsin, horseman for 30 years. This program uses only natural food supplements. A 30 day supply of basic mix for one horse contains: 1 bottle of Multi Vitamin Powder [300g] 670 tablets of Alfalfa -grind in a blender and add: 2 cans of Vanilla Soy Protein Powder -mix together and store in container Put ¼ cup in morning feed and ¼ cup in evening feed. After 2 weeks increase to ½ cup per feed. Developing foals need: Basic mix of Protein, Vita Lea, Cal-Mag Plus. Colts mature at a faster rate, have less colt soreness, have a lesser frequency Of splints and a natural shine to their coat. Older horses show less fatigue after racing, their attitude remains good and their Down time is much less when they are sick. Horses under stress, with racetrack bleeder syndrome or fractures need: 1 bottle of Vita C - 100 added to mix. Horses with arthritis, fractures, and brood mares need: 1 bottle of Calcium-Magnesium Plus [130 tablets] added to mix. Horses that are nervous, mean or lazy need: 1 bottle of B-Complex added to mix. Horses with circulation problems and tying-up syndrome need: 1 bottle of Vita E 200 [90 capsules] added to mix. Horses with fertility problems need: 2 bottles of Vita E 200 & 2 bottles of Zinc added to mix.
TIPS FOR IN THE BARN Teat Dip For a good wash - use ½ ounce H ½ ounce Germicide 4 gallons water for average herds [50-60 cows] use ½ tsp Basic H ½ tsp Basic G 1 gallon water Wash with rag, not paper towel - saves $$ Cuts & scrapes Apply H directly on the wound. This will stop infections and help heal. Fly Spray 1 quart of H 4 quarts water Spray where it is needed. Fly Spray for fogger: 3 quarts linseed oil [use very light oil] 1 quart H 1 tbsp Germicide Spray where this is needed. This mixture will not harm your livestock. DO NOT SPRAY DIRECTLY INTO EYES. The chemicals mentioned will work with H, but in no way will conservation update recommend them. Use chemical waste products at your own risk. Information will be available in future issues of C.U.P. concerning Basic H and chemicals.

CROPS If the following formulas for crops are used correctly from fall through the growing season, we should have very few insect problems. IMPORTANT: For proper amount of fertilization per acres, please send copy of your soil analysis to C.U.P. Attn: Farm Dept. Remember: H is not a fertilizer. In finding a product like H we are able to take a field, use a natural fertilizer, and with the combination of H and a natural fertilizer produce crops of a higher quality and not lose quantity. Special Note: On center pivot systems: In order to get the Basic H into the system, C.U.P. Farm Equipment Division has designed a special injector for your irrigator. Contact us for information. Note: If you have a liquid fertilizer attachment for your system, put the Basic H in the attachment.
Alfalfa: 1.25 quarts of H per 20 gallons of water per acres. Apply once in early spring and once after each cutting. Green Bugs 4 ounce Germicide1 quart H Take 1 ounce of the above mixture with 1 gallon of water Green Bugs - 20 gallons: 20 ounce of mixture with 20 gallons water. If the formula for alfalfa doesn’t work on Alfalfa Weevils, use: 1.5 quarts H ½ pint Germicide 5-8 gallons water/acre If H was used in the beginning of spring you should not have any problems. Center Pivot Systems Alfalfa Apply 38 gallons of H three times per year as follows: First Application: In early spring Second: 45 days later Third: 45 days after second. This covers 130-133 acres. Note: if you have a liquid fertilizer attachment for your system, put the H in the attachment. In order to get the H into the system, C.U.P. Farm Equipment Division has designed a special injector for your irrigator. Call for info.
Corn: Apply 2.5 quarts of H with 10 gallons of water per acre before planting. Then apply 2 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water per acres after the corn is up 16-18 inches tall. Center Pivot Systems Corn 1st Application - 61 gallons of H immediately after planting 2nd application - 61 gallons of H after the crop is up 1.5 feet tall. It must be applied in one complete revolution. This covers 130-133 acres.
Cotton Apply 2.5 quarts of H with 10 gallons of water per acre, before planting. After the crop is up, apply 1.25 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water per acres. When blossoms appear, apply 1.25 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water per acre. Also see aerial spraying. Milo & Milo Maze Apply 2.5 quarts of H with 10 gallons of water before planting. After the crop is up 2-4 inches tall, apply 2 quarts of H to 20 gallons of water. Center Pivot Systems Milo 1st application-40 gallons of H should be applied immediately after planting 2nd application applied when the Milo is 6-8 inches tall, using 26 gallons of H.
OATS [plus other small grains] Apply 1.25 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water just after planting. Then, apply 1.25 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water after the crop is up 3-4 inches tall. Center Pivot Irrigation System - Oats [& other small grains] 1st application apply 30 gallons of H immediately after planting. 2nd application apply 14 gallons of Basic H after the oats are up 3-4 inches tall.
PEANUTS Apply 2.5 quarts of H with 10 gallons of water per acre before planting. Once the crop is up 4-5 inches tall, apply 1.25 quarts of H to 20 gallons of water per acre. POTATO FORMULA Treat the soil with 2.5 quarts of H with 10 gallons of water per acres prior to tilling the soil. Then , apply another 1.25 quarts of H per 20 gallons of water per acre after the crop is 3-4” tall.
RICE Organic fertilizer in liquid or granular form should be used. A soil analysis is req’d prior to flooding. No more than one gallon of H per 90,000 gallons of water at flood gate should be used at this time. Killing weeds along canal: For instant kill use 2.5 quarts of H 5 gallons water per acre For slow kill: 1.25 quarts H 20 gallons water / acre
SOYBEANS Row Planting: Apply 2 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water per acres immediately after planting. Not necessary if spring application is applied. After the beans are up 3-4 inches tall, apply 1.5 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water per acres. Planting with Grain Drill: Because the growth is so thick, we can not get on the field a second time. Application of H and water must be done differently. Apply 2.5 quarts of H with 10 gallons of water before planting. After planting apply 2 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water/acre Center Pivot Irrigation Systems Soybeans First application apply 44 gallons immediately after planting Second application apply 22 gallons of H when the soybeans are up 4-6 inches tall. Must be applied in one revolution.
Sugar Beets The soil should be treated with 2 quarts of H with 10 gallons of water per acre prior to planting. After the crop is up, 1.25 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water per acre. Sunflowers Apply 2.5 quarts of H with 10 gallons of water before planting. After the sunflowers are up one foot tall, apply 2.5 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water per acre. Tobacco - option 1 Fall - apply 2.5 quarts of H with 10 gallons of water per acres before planting. Spring - apply 1.25 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water per acre 2 weeks after planting. Apply in the cool of the evening or a cloudy day so the formula will sit on the plants 10 hours before hot weather. Tobacco - option 2 Fall - no application Spring - apply 1.25 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water immediately after planting. Repeat 2 weeks after planting. Apply in the cool of the evening or a cloudy day so the formula will sit on the plants 10 hours before hot weather. Harmful Insect Problems - tobacco During the growing season; use 1 pint Basic H with 20 gallons of water per acre. Blue Mold in tobacco 1 ounce Basic G 4 ounce H Take one ounce of this mixture and add to one gallon of water and spray. Tobacco beds Apply 1.5 ounce of H per gallon of water. Transplanting: apply 1 ounce of H per 10 gallons of water as set water. Apply 1.25 quarts H with 20 gallons of water 30 days after planting. Wheat - spring Apply 2.5 quarts of H with 10 gallons of water per acre before planting. Repeat when the wheat is up 3-4 inches tall, with 1.25 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water per acre. Then - forget until harvest!
Wheat - winter Fall application 2.25 quarts of H with 10 gallons of water per acre before planting. Next spring 1.25 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water as soon as you can get into the field without causing ruts. Repeat 1.25 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water per acre 30 days later. If the 2.5 quarts of H were applied to field for another crop prior to this year, proceed with second application. Pasture 1.25 quarts H per 20 gallons of water per acre. Apply once in early spring, once in early summer and once in late summer.

GARDENS This formula is for general gardens with all types of vegetables. Per ½ acre: apply 125 lbs Natural Mineral evenly in the garden with some type of compost. Then use a garden hose attachment which is an Ortho Bottle from the hardware store. Fill this applicator bottle with: 8 ounce Liqui-Lea 24 ounce H Spray evenly on ½ acre garden four times thru growing season.
VEGETABLES - potatoes, carrots etc : not tomatoes The soil should be conditioned with 2.5 quarts of H with 10 gallons of water per acre. 1.25 quarts of H with 20 gallons of water per acre applied again after the crop is up. Strawberries New ground. Do not use fall formula on any existing plants.
FALL: 2.5 quarts of H with 20 gallons water per acre before crop is planted.
SPRING: apply 1.25 quarts of H with 20 gallons water per acre. Repeat in early spring and once in late spring. For existing plants: Fall - apply 1.3 quarts H with 20 gallons water per acre. Repeat in early spring and once in late spring. Tomatoes When transplanting, put 1 quart Basic H with 20 gallons of water for set water. Then wait until the tomatoes take hold and are going well, apply 1.5 pints of H plus 1 ounce Liqui-Lea to 20 gallons of water per acre. Special Formula for growing Tomatoes [greenhouse]: Mix 3 ounces of H, 1 ounce of Liqui-Lea, and 5 gallons of water. Apply after planting. Moisten ground as needed. Greenhouse Application - vegetables Trickler systems - vegetables 100 gallons systems - mix 1.5 pints of H with 16 ounce Liqui-Lea in 100 gallons of water. Use normal trickler application. Apply twice a week. Spray formula - vegetables Mix 3 ounce of H, 1 ounce of Liqui-Lea and 3 gallons of water. Spray twice a week. Hydroponic System With a clean system when new water is being cycled. For each 1200 gallons of water add: 2 quarts of H 16 ounce of Liqui-Lea 12 B-complex tablets [crushed] For daily use - for each 200 to 250 gallons of water add: ½ pint H 2 ounce Liqui-Lea 3 B-Complex tablets [crushed]

REMEMBER: If you mix the H, Liqui-Lea & crushed B-Complex tablets together, it is much easier to add to the water. Greenhouse Application - flowers Tricker systems - flowers 100 gallon systems - mix 18 ounce H with 4 ounce of Liqui-Lea in 100 gallons of water. Use normal trickler application. Apply twice a week. Spray Formula - flowers Mix ½ ounce of H with 1 ounce of Liqui-Lea and 3 gallons of water. Spray twice a week.

TREES & LAWN CARE Trees - nursery stock Small seedlings or seed beds Mix 1 ounce of H with one gallon of water. Spray on the whole seedling & around the entire trunk. Apply once every ten days. Small evergreens Add 1 ounce of Liqui-Lea to the small seedlings/seed beds mixture for proper vitamin needs. Sick trees 3-4 feet tall Mix 1 quart of H with 8 quarts of water. Then, of this mixture, feed at the base of the tree one cup of solution twice a day for the first day, then once each day until the mixture is gone. Feedings are of mixed solution. Do this feeding three times a year.
Sick trees 4-8 feet tall Mix 1 quart H with 6 quarts of water. Feed at the base of the tree. Use 1 pint of the mixture twice a day for 2 days and 1 pint a day thereafter until the solution is gone. This must be done three times a year. Sick trees 8 feet and up Mix 1 quart H with 5 quarts of water. Feed one quart of the solution each day until the solution is gone. Do this twice a year.
Evergreens Add 8 ounce of Liqui-Lea to the Sick trees 8 feet and up mixture. Tics in evergreens - small trees ¼ ounce H 1 ounce Liqui-Lea 1 gallon of water feed at the base of the tree or spray it on. Webb Worm Mix 1 quart of H with 4 quarts water. Completely drench the tree with this mixture. Let sit for 30-45 minutes, then rinse down the tree with water. This will take care of hard to kill insects in orchards and lawn trees.
Orchards ½ ounce H and 1 gallon water Spray trees before blossoms appear. Spray every 9-10 days for best results. Spray right up until harvest. Sick trees 1 quart H, 5 quarts water. Feed tree at base with 1 quart of mixture per day, for 6 days. This will take care of fungas and disease. Do not feed seedling this mixture - spray with regular formula.
Apple trees Feeding trees: 2.5 quarts H and 80 gallons of water per acre. Insect control: ½ ounce H and 1 gallon water, spray every 9-10 days. Apple scab 1 quart Germicide, 100 gallons water. Spray applies as you would Lime sulphur. Spray at pre-blossom and at petal fall, then every 15 days, for best results.
Orange groves Cleaning irrigation lines: 7-8 gallons H to 90,000 gallons of water. Lawn Care Buy an Ortho Bottle from a hardware store and fill this with H and hook it to your hose. Continually spray your lawn, don’t let it soak. Just go along the grass until the H is gone. Fill again if necessary. Do this 4-5 times a year.
Grubs 1.5 quarts of H ½ pint Germicide 10-12 gallons water Spray every 100 feet or per acre. Use ortho bottle or injector.
Dandelions 1000 square feet Use ortho sprayer or hose with valve system. 2 quarts H 1 bottle Liqui-Lea ½ pint G Should be used with some type of liquid fertilizer. Apply twice a year. Lawn shrubs & bushes For any type of evergreen shrub, use 1 tsp. H and 1 tsp Liqui-Lea per gallon of water. Hardwood shrubs & small trees Use ½ ounce of H with one gallon of water. Spray once every 2 weeks or if insects appear.
Rosebushes Use 1 tsp H per gallon water. Spray rose bushes to protect them from spiders and other insects and disease. House Plants For healthy plants use 4 drops H with 8 ounce of water. Water as needed.

INSECT - PEST Army Worm 2 quart H 1 pint G 15 gallon water per acre Chinch Bugs [only if really bad] 1.5 pints H 1 pint G 5 gallon water, per acre ½ recommended amount of Sevin on fields. For ditches; use full amount of Sevin. Chinch bugs - con’t For Drought areas: 1/75 quart liquid Sevin 1.75 quart H 1.25 pint G 40 gallon water per acre Use low gear with sprayer. This formula should be used if you have not been on the program since planting time. Corn Bore 2.5 quarts H ½ pint G 10-12 gallons water, per acre
Grasshoppers - Alfalfa 2 quarts H 1 pint G 8-10 gallons water, per acre. Alfalfa may turn brown, but will come back. Gypsy Moth 1 quart H 2 gallons water Beetle - Soybeans 1.5 quarts H 1 pint G 10 gallons water, per acre Note: if you have not been on our formulas from start to finish, you may have to use ½ of chemical.
Rootworm Use regular formula for the particular crop. If not using H previously, five early spring application of 2.5 quarts of H to 10 gallons of water per acre, Before any crop is planted on the field. Tics 1 quart H 1 ounce G 3 quarts water Spray formula for troublesome insects: ½ ounce H ¼ ounce G 1 gallon water Use when needed, if yellowing occurs don’t worry.
Fire Ants 1 quart H 1 quart G 4 quarts water Spray mixture on ant hills. Japanese Beetle 1 ounce H ½ ounce G 1 gallon water GROUND SPRAYING Herbicides - Crab Grass, Alexander, Panicea, Johnson Grass First Application: Broadcast: 3 lbs Dowpon 20 gallons water 1 pint Basic H Second Application: 7 days later - directional 3 lbs Dowpon 16 gallons water 1 pint Basic H No yellowing of leaves whatsoever and new shoots undamaged. Great savings by omission of the 3rd application. Broadleaf 2-4 D - Amine cut 1/3 of normal application and add 1 pint Basic H per acre. Better results. Selvix [2-4-5-T] for Broadleaf and Woody stems [ Iron Weed] Cut application by 1/3 and add 1 pint Basic H. By using H, it cuts original product by 1/3, therefore greatly reducing costs with better results. After several applications, one is able to drop regular products and use only H. Pre-Emergent Weeds: 3 lbs Atrazin 1 pint H 5 gallons water Excellent control. Thistles: ½ amount of recommended 2-4-D 1 quart H 3-5 gallons water
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