The "Green Cleaners" in the Healthy Home basket might not have looked as appealing. I know if everyone who receives a basket will take those toxic chemicals they are currently using, get rid of them and start using the green cleaners they will see their health improve. Just think about it. If you had a choice between a new fancy refrigator or not developing respiratory illness that may cost you thousands of dollars over the next several years. I don't think there is anyone would would choose the fancy frig.
The gift of health is a powerful gift.
Unfortunatly once we are sick and in treatment we generally don't get that second chance to look back and make different choices in our life. Just in case you missed it here is the link to a 5 minute clip of Oprah talking about the real dirt on clean: http://www.shaklee.net/pws/library/flash/getclean-tv2.html
A couple months ago I posted a video on this channel called the toxic brew. Just in case you missed it you can view it at: http://www.barefootmerchant.com/environment.htm
It's really too bad more parents aren't informed about these toxic cleaners. Oprah has done her part in promoting safe healthy green cleaners. Today was the 3rd time this year that she talked about our green cleaners.
Just yesterday I got word about another great article published in Time Style and Design Magazine. Every year the Time Style and Design magazine is eagerly waited for my millions of readers. The article is in "The Luxury Index: a Complete Guide to the Best Products, People, and Places of 2007" For your convience here is the article: Time StyleDesigner Winter 2007 Shak*ee Green Clean
When I read this article it make total sense why a powerhouse like Ripplewood holdings would decide to keep Shak*ee a private direct selling company. Our distributor base is huge and VERY educated who better to spread the word to all corners of the world than satisified consumers!
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