Introducing a REVOLUTIONARY BREAKTHROUGH in Cellular Anti-Aging.
Liquid Anti-Aging Tonic
Wow... the impact of 3,000 glasses of red wine can you imagine... A 30 day supply of this anti-aging tonic delivers the equivalent amount of resveratrol found in 3,000 glasses of red wine, and the ingredients are 10 times more powerful in slowing a key mechanism of aging than resveratrol alone.
Just one of the ingredients in this anti-aging tonic alone has been referenced in over 2,000 research publications, including multiple studies conducted by Harvard University, at the National Institute on Aging, at the National Cancer Institute, and the National Institute of Environmental Science.
10 times more powerful... This anti-aging tonic ingredients are more powerful than resveratrol alone in slowing key mechanism of aging & AGE protein formation.
All Natural.. Patent Pending. Clinically Tested Key Ingredients. Exclusive to Shaklee Distributors, Members and Customers.
Shaklee Distributors and Members can learn the details now by going to and click on the MY STUDY PLAN tab. You will need your ID number to enter this site.
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Very soon our NEW REVOLUTIONARY BREAKTHROUGH in Cellular Anti-Aging. Liquid Anti-Aging Tonic will be available at
I personally can't wait to sip my way to youthville!
Cindy McAsey....

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