At our house April is spring cleaning month. A couple weeks ago we hosted our Pantry makeover. It was an eyeopener to many folks about many processed foods and helped us to make healthier choices next shopping trip.
On Sunday (April 21st) we are starting our Clean up Green up challenge. If you aren't already a part of our Be Better Group you can join us here:
What I really like about these community challenges is: The content comes out over time so you are getting snippets in your feed as you go about your day. Actually for me it's a really good reminder of why I do what I do!
I'm just gonna say it... No matter your reason for choosing green home cleaners, Basic H2 is the choice for you. 

Basic H2 dominates grease, grime, and dirt in a thousand different ways. One 16-ounce bottle makes 48 gallons of powerful cleaner, naturally derived with sustainably sourced ingredients.
When you are ready just to switch out and go green with your cleaning the Get Clean Start Kit is the way you want to go... Why not get every nook and cranny spick-and-span.
And do it right—with products that are safe around your little ones, powerful against even the most stubborn dirt, green for the planet, and smart on your wallet. You would spend $3,400 for ready-to-use cleaners to get the same amount of clean found in the Get Clean Starter Kit!*
One Kit, One Tree. Shaklee and American Forests® will plant one tree for every Get Clean® Starter Kit sold.. it's a win win situation.
One Kit, One Tree. Shaklee and American Forests® will plant one tree for every Get Clean® Starter Kit sold.. it's a win win situation.
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